
DEStech is a leader in science, technology, healthcare and engineering textbooks as well as custom STM publications covering a wide variety of topics. Instructors can request FREE online access to an Exam Copy of a textbook.

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Showing 25–36 of 65 results

Packaging Design Decisions

Roland ten Klooster, Ph.D., Chair, Packaging Design and Management, University of Twente, Netherlands
Frans Lox, Ph.D., Professor, Free University of Brussels, Belgium
Ton Schilperoord, Ir., Netherlands Organization of Applied Scientific Research TNO (ret.), Netherlands

Browse Book

Energy Harvesting

Ravi Anant Kishore, Ph.D. Candidate
Anthony Marin, Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Congcong Wu, Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, Research Associate, Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Ashok Kumar, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, India
Shashank Priya, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State University

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Population Health and Its Integration into Advanced Nursing Practice

Edited by
Mary A. Bemker, PhD, PsyS, LADC, LPCC, CCFP, CCTP, CNE, RN, Full Time Faculty, Walden University, Minnesota
Christine Ralyea, DNP, MS-NP, MBA, NE-BC, CNL, OCN, CCRN, Assistant Vice President Patient Care Services—Atrium Health, Adjunct Faculty, Queens University Charlotte, NC

Browse Book

Principles of the Manufacturing of Composite Materials, Second Edition

Suong V. Hoa, Ph.D., Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

Browse Book

Methods for Developing New Food Products, Expanded Second Edition

Fadi Aramouni, Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of Food Science, Kansas State University
Kathryn Deschenes, M.S., Food Science, Deschenes Consulting, LLC

Browse Book

Essentials of the Mechanics of Materials, Third Edition

George N. Frantziskonis, Ph.D., Professor, Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Arizona

Browse Book

Molecular Methods for the Detection and Characterization of Foodborne and Environmental Pathogens

Suresh D. Pillai, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology, Texas A&M University, and
Jessica A. McKelvey, M.S., Research Associate, Food Safety and Environmental Microbiology, Texas A&M University

Browse Book

Packaging & Distribution of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables

Vanee Chonhenchob, Ph.D., Professor, Kasetsart University
S. Paul Singh, Ph.D., Professor emeritus, Michigan State University
Jay Singh, Ph.D., California Polytechnic State University

Browse Book

The Case Manager’s Survival Guide, Third Edition

Toni G. Cesta, Ph.D., RN, FAAN
Hussein M. Tahan, Ph.D., RN

Browse Book

Ferroelectric Devices & Piezoelectric Actuators

Kenji Uchino, M.B.A., Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and International Center for Actuators and Transducers, The Pennsylvania State University

Browse Book

Electronic Health Records for Quality Nursing and Health Care

Tiffany Kelley, Ph.D., MBA, RN, Founder and CEO, Nightingale Apps, LLC, Affiliate, Duke University, Associate Adjunct Professor, Northeastern University

Browse Book

Genomic Essentials for Graduate Level Nurses

Edited by
Diane C. Seibert, Ph.D., WHNP-BC, ANP-BC, FAANP, FAAN, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
Quannetta T. Edwards, Ph.D., FNP-BC, WHNP-BC, AGN-BC, FAANP, Western University of Health Sciences
Ann H. Maradiegue, Ph.D., FNP-BC, FAANP, James Madison University
Susan T. Tinley, Ph.D., RN, CGC (Ret.), Creighton University, Emerita

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Items to Consider

Ballistics 2023

Edited by
Lt. Col. IMM Frederik Coghe, Dr. Ir

Volume 1: Exterior Ballistics, Explosion Ballistics, Emerging Technologies, Launch Dynamics, Vulnerability and Survivability
Volume 2: Interior Ballistics, Thermal Ballistics

Browse Book

Structural Health Monitoring 2021: Enabling Next Generation SHM for Cyber-Physical Systems

Edited by
Saman Farhangdoust, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Stanford University, Stanford, CA 
Alfredo Guemes, ETSI Aeronautics, Madrid, Spain
Fu-Kuo Chang, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 

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Rural Health Nursing Front Cover

Rural Health Nursing

Edited by
Laurie Anne Ferguson, DNP, APRN, ANP-BC, FNP-C, CPNP, FNAP, FAANP, Founding Dean and Professor, Emory & Henry College, School of Nursing, Marion, VA
Kenneth Lowrance, DNP, APRN, CNS, FNP-BC, CNE, FAANP, Professor of Professional Practice, Retired, Texas Christian University, Harris College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Fort Worth, TX

Browse Book

Advancing Relationships in Healthcare

Jean Johnson, PhD, RN, FAAN, Certified Executive Leadership Coach, Emerita Dean and Professor, George Washington University, Washington, DC
Eileen O’Grady, PhD, RN, NP-C, Wellness Coach and Nurse Practitioner, Founder, The School of Wellness, McLean, VA
Minette Coetzee, PhD, RN, RPaedN, Associate Professor and Director of the Harry Crossley’s Children’s Nursing Development Unit, Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa

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