- New computational and computer strategies for fluid dynamic problems
- Applications to military aircraft, space vehicles, propulsion, atmospheric change, solar activity and more
This book has been formatted onto a CD-ROM and comprises sixty previously unpublished and peer-reviewed papers on the theory, problems and applications of computational fluid dynamics as advanced by parallel and supercomputing approaches covering a wide range of computers and configurations, including emergent software, new architectures, peta-flops scale machines and distributed computing grids. The papers were presented originally in 2009 at the NASA Ames Research Center.
Numerous applications of PCFD are discussed including space and military vehicles, as well as energy, explosives, climate change, solar activity and more. Selected key words: meshfree, panel-free, vortex, code, Euler, heterogeneous parallelism, aeroacoustics, exascale, Cartesian mesh, peta-flops, paraelleX, Roadrunner, Jaguar, Pleaiades, synthetic jet, Stokes.
From the editor’s Preface: “CFD is quickly becoming a vital and cost-effective strategy for fundamental research and discovery, engineering design and analysis, and a reliable prediction tool…It is my hope the papers in this book will contribute to the inspiration needed for making the next revolutionary advances in this field.”